Breaking Down Carnage’s Inflammatory “DJs Taking Risks” Tweet

Yesterday morning, Carnage sent out the following tweet.

Predictably, this incensed a lot of people. Particularly among groups of people whose passion it is to find underground, underappreciated, unknown artists, the take came across as shallow and diminished Carnage’s reputation as a tastemaker — at least initially.

Five hours later, Carnage would tweet again to say that he only shared his thoughts after going through his own demo email, which isn’t exactly a great barometer of forward-thinking music; when you’re a mainstream artist, people tend to send you mainstream content.

He continued…

Whether these tweets are backpedaling or not (they appear to be), we’re not here to put words in Carnage’s mouth.

In the end, it all resulted in a long IG Live wherein Carnage spoke with a variety of producers and tastemakers, including Moore Kismet, Subtronics, and Insomniac CEO Pasquale Rotella. For a lot of people, it wasn’t much better than his tweets.

At the end of the day, the whole conversation likely did nothing to sway haters or supporters of Carnage either way.

The bottom line is that 1) there are innovative producers at every level, it just takes a little digging to get there; and 2) there does need to be more innovation at the top and less incentive to rest on their laurels. Hex Cougar’s tweet (above) pretty much hits the nail on the head by shifting (at least some of) the responsibility to promoters for not booking up and coming artists and going for the easy buck.

But as we’ve seen with Your EDM’s own content, as well, there needs to be an all-around shift to make any sort of formative change. If there’s anything to take from yesterday’s whole interaction, it’s that at least a few artists got some new fans.


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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Breaking Down Carnage’s Inflammatory “DJs Taking Risks” Tweet