Are Swedish House Mafia back in studio together? It sure sounds like it!
The two video clips below are making rounds on Reddit, one from SHM art director Alexander Wessely, and one from manager Max Holmstrand. It seems these reliable sources are trying to tell us something — but in true SHM style, not giving away too much.
Dissecting the videos a bit further, the first bit of footage records the floor as muffled music (or the makings of a new track) plays out in the background and familiar voices partake in a discussion. The second video has no sound, but reveals three silhouettes, two of which are sitting down, working avidly on a production.
One commenter on the first thread confirms, “As a swede who heard Steve, Seb and Axel’s Swedish voices a lot can definitely confirm that at least Seb and Steve [are] talking in this video.”
It’s been nearly a decade since Swedish House Mafia officially released new music.
Stay tuned.
Swedish House Mafia in Studio
Alexander seems to be teasing something & small preview of new music? from r/SwedishHouseMafia
This is the same studio from yesterday… Max Holmstrad posted this to his story. from r/SwedishHouseMafia
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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Swedish House Mafia Back In Studio Working On New Music